Spirits and Angels have been part of Joanne Clarkson’s life since she was a child. Today she continues to work with her Guides in her creative, psychic and daily life. In this presentation, Joanne will share ways everyone can connect with their most powerful, loving Spirits. She will discuss the different kinds of Beings who visit and interact with us – relatives and friends who have crossed over, animal companions, spirits of nature and place, Light Beings, heroes. Why do we want or need them? Are they always available to us? Does each one have a specific reason for being in our lives? Joanne will lead audience members through specific methods they can use to meet their Guides. She will explain how Beings from other dimensions can help us fulfill our true purpose now and take us deeper into other dimensions.
Psychic Bio for UFO/Paranormal Summit 2025Psychic Medium Joanne Mokosh Clarkson has read palms and Tarot and performed Mediumship readings since she was a child, taught by her grandmother. Throughout her life as a wife, mother, teacher, librarian and finally a Hospice Nurse, she has always continued her intuitive practice, believing it to be an important part of her loving service in this lifetime. Clarkson’s newest book is “Finding Your Spirit Guides,” published this year. Her other books include: “Psychic Palmistry: A Guide to Intuition” and “There’s Always a Miracle: True Stories of Life Before and After Death,” about her work as a Hospice RN. Joanne will be giving Palm, Tarot and Spirit Guide readings at her table during the conference.