James Clarkson is an Investigator who has stood in two worlds for many years – a career professional investigator in the criminal justice field and as a lifelong researcher of the UFO Mystery. He has been a plainclothes military police investigator, a career police officer and fraud investigator who has had many titles: patrol supervisor, detective sergeant, fatal accident team manager and training officer. He served 10 years as a state fraud investigator.
In 1987 he joined the Mutual UFO Network and over the next 30 years he investigated over 2,000 UFO reports. He was the Washington State MUFON Director for 10 years until 2017. He has lectured at many UFO events across the country and in Paris, as well as radio and TV appearances. He discovered a key witness to a recovered UFO who worked at Wright-Patterson during the time of the famous Roswell UFO Crash. He is a lecturer, author, researcher, and UFO detective. He is the author of TELL MY STORY- June Crain, the Air Force & UFOs as well as the Westport UFO Crash Retrieval Event. He now lives on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State with his wife Joanne, a mystic poet. See more at http://ufodetective.com
PRESENTATION: UFOs & the Secret-KeepersJames Clarkson, professional investigator, and UFO Researcher will present insights on the highlights of UFO history, and what is happening now, and why it’s important. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, one of the founding fathers of UFO studies called UFO History “an embarrassment of riches.” We have too much UFO history, not too little. Since 1947, intelligence agencies have conditioned the public to ridicule all UFO witnesses. Recently, the head of AARO (All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office) issued a report telling the public “There is nothing to see here.” This presentation will demonstrate just how the Secret-Keepers are still operating behind the scenes. A PowerPoint Presentation.